Booking Utilities Scroll

Insert Days

* = Scroll Default

To change columns, right click on the column headings bar. A pop-up box showing all the available headings appears and both the columns required and the order in which they are displayed can be changed.

To change the width of the columns use the left mouse button in the column headings bar to drag the column boundaries as required. This facility is available in all the “scrolls” within Tourplan. These settings are automatically saved.




Service day/sequence number


Service location


Service supplier code

*Service Detail

Service option description


Service date

*Out Date/SCU

Service out date (Accommodation) or number of second charge units (non accommodation)


Service status

*Price Code

Service price code used


Service cost price

*MUP Percentage

Service markup as a percentage


Service agent price – cost plus markup less commission


Voucher number

*Day Number

Day number only

*Sequence Number

Sequence number only

Special Offer

Indicates whether service rate is a Special Offer.

S = Standard Rate. E=Special Offer Extra Nights rate


Service Line identifier to link services together that are part of a Special Offer rate


Destination attached to Location of service


Country attached to Location of service

Delete Days




Service day/sequence number


Service location


Service supplier code

*Service Detail

Service option description


Service date

*Out Date/SCU

Service out date (Accommodation) or number of second charge units (non accommodation)


Service status

*Price Code

Service price code used


Service cost price

*MUP Percentage

Service markup as a percentage


Service agent price – cost plus markup less commission


Voucher number

*Day Number

Day number only

*Sequence Number

Sequence number only

Special Offer

Indicates whether service rate is a Special Offer.

S = Standard Rate. E=Special Offer Extra Nights rate


Service Line identifier to link services together that are part of a Special Offer rate


Destination attached to Location of service


Country attached to Location of service

(continued in Booking Contacts Scroll)